People-Pleasing Quit Kit

Find your truth & express it courageously—without burning bridges

What if you could stop focusing so much on making others happy, and start making more self-honoring choices with ease?

With the People-Pleasing Quit Kit, there’s no need to keep measuring your self-worth by how much others like or approve of you. You’ll learn how to tune in with your needs, release your fear of disappointing people, advocate for your boundaries, and finally start living life on your terms (guilt-free!).

Are you a people-pleaser?

Tell me if this sounds like you…

  • You gravitate toward doing what would make others happy, but sometimes struggle to advocate for what would make you happy.

  • You find yourself being disingenuous with people to avoid awkwardness or conflict.

  • You would rather sacrifice your own comfort than make someone else uncomfortable.

  • You often say yes to people quickly, and overcommit or take on too much without even realizing it.

  • You have trouble setting good boundaries, being open about your needs, or telling people no.

  • You tend to go along with what others think and believe; it’s difficult for you to disagree or assert your voice.

  • You pride yourself on being accommodating and easygoing toward others, even if it inconveniences or overloads you.

  • You often withhold how you’re truly feeling for fear of causing disconnection or being a burden.

  • Your choices are heavily influenced by what you think will make others approve of you.

  • People generally like you—but when they don’t, your self-esteem suffers.

  • You don’t put yourself first very often, but when you do you tend to feel guilty, undeserving, or apologetic.

  • You strongly dislike disappointing people (especially people you’re close with), and try to avoid it at all costs.


What if there was a way to stop feeling so worried about other people’s perceptions and expectations of you, and cultivate more grounded self-worth and authenticity?

What if there was a way to let go of catering so much to everyone else’s wants and needs, and start shaping your life based on what would bring you joy and fulfillment? 

And what if you could do all of this without getting emotional hangovers and massive backlash in your relationships?


That’s exactly why I created the People-Pleasing Quit Kit.

With this experiential step-by-step toolkit, you will learn to overcome your fixation on being liked, acknowledge your authentic needs, communicate openly about your preferences and limits, and start fiercely prioritizing your own thriving—all in under a week. 


Right now, the idea of disappointing people probably feels excruciating.

The prospect of facing disapproval or rejection probably makes you want to hide under the covers (or pour yourself a stiff drink).

You’ve likely been carefully managing your behavior to avoid these experiences for most of your life, and you’ve probably gotten pretty good at rationalizing it to yourself: “I know I’m a people-pleaser, but is that really such a bad thing? It’s okay to want people to like me. Plus, people rely on me, and I don’t want to be selfish. Is breaking this habit really worth all the emotional discomfort, hassle, and potential fallout?”

I’m not here to convince you that this work is easy. It’s not. But is it worth it? 100%.

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already feel deep down that something needs to change—that in constantly meeting other people’s expectations and needs, you’re neglecting something sacred inside of you that is calling out for your attention. And you’re ready to listen.


Imagine if you could stop putting others’ happiness and comfort above your wellbeing and authenticity.

Imagine if you could stop trying so hard to make others feel okay all the time—if you could openly vocalize your wants and needs, and actually feel worthy of having them prioritized.

Imagine if you could say no without guilt, say yes without self-doubt, and stand up for your truth with calm clarity.


I’m Erin—your instructor and guide, and fellow recovering people-pleaser.

I’m an Empowerment & Connection Coach and have been supporting people to heal from their negative emotional patterns, connect with authenticity, and step into their natural brilliance since 2015. 

As someone who grew up using people-pleasing to feel worthy and lovable, I know firsthand the deep pain and disconnection this habit creates. I also know the joy and freedom that comes from learning to live from a different place—a place of grounded self-worth, connection to my truth, and courageous self-advocacy that honors everyone involved. These are the experiences we all crave. I’m here to help illuminate how to get there.

Most of us weren’t taught how to be authentic and how to have boundaries growing up: we internalized a lot of lessons in how to people-please, shape-shift, and self-abandon. But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn something different now! I hope this toolkit helps you realize that your people-pleasing is not who you are. It’s not a personality flaw or a life sentence. It’s a habit you internalized that you are fully capable of shifting. And you are ready.


The People-Pleasing Quit Kit includes:


Here’s what you’ll get…

6 learning modules + 1 BONUS module ($499 value)
Live coaching demo videos for every tool ($99 value)
Digital worksheets for all 6 modules ($59 value)
Erin’s inspirational “People-Pleasing Pep Talk 12-minute audio track ($15 value)
Erin’s original Feelings & Needs digital handout

Only $87


This is for you if…

  • You want to jumpstart a more grounded new way of being—but understand that sustaining it will take time and effort

  • You want a thorough approach to dismantling your paradigm of people-pleasing, and actually healing from it

  • You’re ready for a growth-oriented journey that stretches you, and brings you in deeper alignment with your true self

  • You’re tired of superficial solutions like “put yourself first” or “just say no” because they never seem to resolve the deeper issue for you


This is not for you if…

  • You’re looking for a quick fix—mindset hacks and rote phrases to band-aid your people-pleasing symptoms right away

  • You want a prescriptive instruction manual that will tell you exactly what to say and do to offset your people-pleasing tendencies

  • You just want this pattern to go away, ideally without having to face much emotional or relational discomfort

  • You’re looking for a simple solution that doesn’t require much self-reflection or significant changes in your current default ways of being


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does this work?
A: Once you purchase the Quit Kit, you’ll receive an automated email with your unique login for the course. You’ll have immediate access to everything, so you can begin today!

Q: How will this help me?
A: This course lays the groundwork for you to understand where your people-pleasing originated, and how and why your people-pleasing behaviors come up present-day. It offers concrete tools and practices to help you lovingly pivot toward greater authenticity and resilient self-advocacy. In under a week, you’ll see a noticeable difference in how you experience your own people-pleasing. With dedicated work in applying these methods, your pattern will consistently shift over time.

Q: How long do I have access?
A: How does forever sound?

Q: Can I use this even if I have no tech skills?
A: Absolutely. The course features a simple, user-friendly layout.

Q: Do you offer refunds?
A: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.
